Corona Virus | COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are Independent Contractors eligible for Unemployment Benefits?
- Independent contractor workers who lose their income are not typically eligible for unemployment benefits. If you were compensated as an independent contractor and receive a 1099 tax form, you are not an employee and ineligible for unemployment.
Are we getting compensated for time missed during the shutdown?
- Unless you hear otherwise from your coordinator, in writing, that the client has made an exception, it is our understanding that the client is unable to compensate you if there is no work available and no services are provided. We will continue to update you as frequently as possible. We will verify with the client what their position is with regards to the contracted staff they receive services from and let you know.
Are there other available assignments?
- We have many other contractual opportunities available in non-school facilities and encourage you to review our website as a viable alternative. Visit our career website.
Does H.R. 6201- Families First Coronavirus Response Act Affect Independent Contractors?
- We are continuing to monitor this Bill as it goes through the proper steps to get passed by Congress. As more information comes in about this and other developments from the state and county-level, we will continue to reassess the situation. More information to follow.
When will contracting operations resume?
- Like you, we are continuing to monitor the situation closely and we are listening to the guidance provided by the federal government, the state, and the counties. We are in communication with all clients and we will continue to speak with them as further events and decisions unfold. We will continue to keep you apprised of any changes and recommend that you regularly visit our website for details regarding our COVID-19 communications.
Personal Safety & Health Measures
- We encourage everyone reading this to continue to monitor and update themselves on all CDC and state mandates and suggestions. For review and clarification, please see the linked documentation from The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America and Steps to Stay Safe from the CDC. In all decisions made during this time, our number one priority is the safety and health of everyone being affected by COVID-19.
Keeping You Advised of Company Measures
- Amongst our coordinators and others on our internal team, we are practicing social distancing and following all mandates put in place by federal, state, and county officials to slow the spread of COVID-19. We are taking multiple steps to minimize health risks to our teammates which include a temporary reduction of employees at our office until further notice. Nothing is more important than everyone’s health and safety, and the need to protect those most vulnerable to the coronavirus. We ask for your patience, understanding and support while we work through this as a community.
RE: Communication: Coronavirus Health and Safety Guidance
Hello Providers and Contractors,
Given the concern about coronavirus (COVID-19), we’re working closely with public health authorities to provide the most up to date guidance on how to protect yourself and others. We are committed to keeping everyone safe as the situation evolves.
We encourage you to follow these Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations:
IF YOU FEEL SICK, STAY AT HOME – If you have a mild illness, respiratory symptoms, or have a fever (100.4 F or above), stay home and keep away from others. If your symptoms get worse, call your doctor.
WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY – Wash your hands with liquid soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to disinfect your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE – Use a tissue to cover your cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands. If you don’t have a tissue within reach, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
As always, if you feel uncomfortable servicing your accepted contract opportunity for safety reasons, you can choose to cancel or not accept the contract, however, communicate with your client contact and coordinator so that the client is able to make alternative arrangements.
We will continue to closely monitor conditions and make adjustments as needed. We commit to communicate those to you in a timely fashion. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the client facility contact on their specific protocol and procedure and/or your coordinator.
We encourage you to review the updates from World Health Organization and CDC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: If you feel sick.
A: Contact your doctor immediately.
Q: You feel unsafe going to a facility due to concern that a consumer may expose you.
A: Use your discretion to notify client of your intentions in a timely manner to give them adequate time for alternative coverage.
Q: If you have been exposed or suspected of being exposed to the virus and experiencing symptoms.
A: Contact your doctor or the local health department and follow their directives.
Q: If someone you have taken care of, your child or parent is sick and/or quarantined/tests positive etc.
A: Do not go to client facility if you feel sick or suspect that you may have had direct contact with someone who tests positive or is presumed positive, call your doctor or health department.
Q: If you are quarantined or immediate family member is quarantined.
A: Do not go to your client site and risk your health and safety or that of others.